Vergadering recreatie
Woensdag 25 april om 20.00 uur houden we de jaarvergadering in het MFC in Zierikzee. Jullie zijn hiervoor van harte uitgenodigd.
20th Netto Regental-Cup
The international open-air youth tournament in Regenstauf / Bavaria from 07th to 10th June, 2012 .
The tournament will take place for girls and for boys in five age groups.
All young girls and boys born in 1993 and later are admitted. As in the past years we expect teams of all levels coming from Germany, Italy, The Chech Republic, Austria, Slovenia, France, Netherlands, Croatia,…
Uitnodiging Euregio volleybattoernooi
Mixed duddel toernooi
Mixed Duddel toernooi 27 april 2012